Contact us to join at

What we expect from you…

1.       To participate with 100% if your attention during the meetings and to do your very best.

2.       Be willing offer help and to be open to asking for help.

3.       Be prepared to offer and receive constructive feedback on works created inside the group setting. This is how we help each other become better writers.

4.       Join the GNG page on FaceBook and actively participate in meetings.

5.       Join ‘Georgia Bloggers and Blog Readers' on FaceBook. Post your blog each Friday. If you don’t have a blog or a current blog post that day, read and respond to the other blogs posted.

6.       The GNG is designed to help local authors, but if were a member but moved to a location out of the state of Georgia, you are still welcome to participate as a GNG member. No participation… you will be treated as an alumni member and will be removed from the GNG FaceBookpage and removed as an active member. To be listed on our social media pages without participation includes a yearly fee of $50

As a member you are entitled to …

1.      Our devotion to the GNG mission, especially during meetings.

2.      Once you achieve full member status, you will be entitled to the available free promotion, to advertise yourself as a writer or your works of art on your RGN FaceBook page and other social media sites as well as our vending locations and other promotion material. If you stop participation in exercises and meetings, you will be graduated to an alumni member. Product promotion is not included with this type of membership. Alumni members are removed from the GNG page of FaceBook


      Three stages of Membership:

      Pledge: New member; under 2 meetings. Not eligible for online and paper promotion.

      Active Member: Eligible for online and paper promotion after 3 meetings and joined our social media pages.

      Alumni Member: No longer attends meetings but are always welcome at events. Members can participate and receive member discounts at any of our events. Not eligible for online and paper promotion. To be listed on our social media pages with out participation includes a yearly fee of $50.


Mandatory event: 

GABloggers and blog readers group page on Fridays on FB: The RGN has a group page on called Georgia Bloggers and Blog Readers. You do not have to be a member of the GNG to be a member of the group page. We advise that you post the latest link to your latest blog on that page and visit the links as well as comment on the blogs of other local bloggers. Active blogs links are re-posted on our Twitter page as well as promoted at vend and free-write locations on paper.


Non-mandatory events:

Vending: A table is set up, (sometimes under a tent) with RGN and PB Ink Corp products for sale. When we are not selling, we are writing. Full and active members can advertise for free (as space is available) in our promo-brochures or have their own. If you would like to be there to sell a book or other artwork, your fee will be 10% of the cost that we paid to rent the spot. That option is only available as space allows. 

Free-write: In an effort to find the time to write and work on our individual projects and goals, we meet once or twice a month at a coffee shop, library or other interesting location to inspire writing. It is called a free-write because there are no appointed exercises.

PatrickBates Ink Corp.

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