The GNG, the Georgia Nutts Guild, is composed of artists that support each other to be masterful, productive and accessible.

Mission Statement:
The Georgia Nutts Guild wants to see the creative seed in each writer sprout and flourish through cultivation of talent, development of skill, exercise of imagination and endeavors in promotion. Using a peer oriented and social interactive group setting; our community of writers explores our love of ideas, language, uses of creative experimentation, goal setting and peer review to foster the growth of our members. We seek methods, both tested and new, for drawing together our members and their audiences of potential readers into a fulfilling relationship. It is our mission to create a space in which the growth of writers and their stories, poems and ideas, to be rooted in the deepest respect for that drive for creative expression and to be a resource for writers, who are residents of Georgia, to accomplish these ends.

Part of the operational process of the GNG is to openly discuss and set goals, both for individual members and the group. Through specialized activities and other creative methods, the GNG create and nurture an environment inclusive of and benefiting from the collected talents of the many writers, illustrators and other aspiring art professionals working in the state of Georgia, USA.

Do you love writing and want to get better at it? Starting a novel for the first time and need support? Join the GNG and come to our Georgia Nutts Writer’s Guild Meetings. There are usually 2 meetings per month. Visit us on facebook and inbox us to let us know that you plan to attend.

Dap Tales (a.k.a. D P Bates)  is a writer/illustrator/graphic designer. She is the illustrator and writer of a gorgeous book, PRIMARY COLORS AND ME, that introduces children ages 6 and under to color and design theory through the use of fun poems and beautiful color illustrations. This new material has led her to continue to explore primary colors and rubbings as a medium in her current artistic work. DAP is also the founding member of the RGN and Georgia Nutts Guild -- a support group for local authors who want to continue to practice and advance their writing skills and goals.

al-Falaq is a writer and illustrator living in Atlanta, Georgia. He loves cats and shares his home with an ornery fur ball with nine tales, at least!  His collection of poetry and short stories, Threadbare is available on Amazon. al-Falaq is also our resident blogger for our RGN on Location Blog.

Mia Maine is a writer living in Atlanta, Georgia. When she is not busy crystallizing her thoughts onto a page, she enjoys entertaining friends and family at her home.  Her volume of poetry, ELEGANTLY TWISTED, will be available soon on Amazon.

Yvonne Walker is a sweet Texas girl with a big heart, a huge brain and a gift for taking the stories in her head and putting them on paper. Yvonne is hard working but fun loving person whose daily life involves all things science and writing fiction. Her favorite saying which happens to sum up her life is, “Everyday is an adventure. So go live it because you never know what you are going to encounter!” She loves life and tries to live every day of it to the fullest with an open mind and a grateful heart. Yvonne currently lives in the Atlanta, Georgia area.

Mr. Adrian, is currently working on graduating The Art Institute of Atlanta, but has occasionally contributed his writing talents to the GNG. His experience with GNG over the years has strengthened his relationship with the written word and now he making a conscientious effort to become a writer.

Alumni members

Jeani Brent has written a heartbreaking memoir called "Confessions of a Bullied Girl", which follows an insecure, knock-kneed little girl as she struggles to overcome the traumas her tiny California town doled out. From verbal abuse to rape, Jeani falls victim to bullying in all its most terrible forms. When Jeani finally escapes the small town that had labeled her an outcast for so long, she slowly begins to see that it wasn't her all those years that was the problem; it was the hateful, small-minded people that surrounded her. This bold memoir takes readers through Jeani's hell, and exposes the detrimental lifelong consequences that unchecked bullying can have.

Danielle Crain believes that she is, probably, just another average lady battling everyday battles in the world. When she is not looking for the next road to profit, she draws images and tries to color them in a swathe of color. Sometimes she laments over her small repertoire of color choices. However, the limited color choices force her to push the colors and mixtures they make as far as they can go. Along with creating her own imagery, the young lady also reads the occasional fantasy/science fiction novel. She also tries to keep up with the news, especially those of economic and technological concerns. Danielle hopes to one day create her own graphic novel and is currently working on a daily web-comic that she hopes to release soon

Ana'Gia Wright writes under the pen names Ana'Gia Wright and Aziza Sphinx. She loves the written word both from a writer's perspective and that of a reader. A native of Georgia, she loves to share aspects of Georgian culture in her writing.
Her first two books were published by Urban Books in 2008 (Lil'Sister) and 2009 (Loving Dasia). Though she went the traditional route with the first two books, she self-published her third book (which is actually the very first book she wrote) "A Moment Before Midnight" under the name Aziza Sphinx. Ana'Gia's fourth book was released in January 2014 (Double Take) and is seeking representation for three other completed manuscripts.

"If your sister is Your hairdresser, then You Need no mirror." Zakiyyah Zai'mah truly believes in that African proverb. Passionate about women's issues, she is currently writing her first novel entitled Tapestry. Her non-fiction work is entitled, "Ancestral Spirits: Spirituality as Feminist Praxis in 20th Century Black Women's Literature" is available on Amazon.

Paulette Norvel Lewis has a long career of advocacy for women.   She is currently a consultant providing career development and executive coaching for workforce professionals; organizational development, project management and diversity planning and assistance for small businesses, corporations and non-profit organizations. She lives in southwest Atlanta with her husband, Marion Lewis, an entrepreneur and Management Consultant.  She and her husband are very active in church activities and ministries. Paulette has traveled extensively across the United States and abroad.  She enjoys jewelry making, photography, writing, and interior decorating.


Kevin A. Stanley

Gheri Headley 

Carolyn Illa-Garcia

Paul Preston

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